Welcome to Leary Castle. This is an old sign we found at Syracuse Antique Exchange. We hung it at the front gate to see how it looked. Andy is working on a design to put on it, but I think it looks pretty good there.
Chris has taken cover under a big black tarp to continue the stone work on the turret. Doesn't look that pretty, but it protects him from the rain and wind and he also has to keep the stones and mortar dry after he gets them into place. He is almost to the top and it really looks good, he is doing a great job.
Rex is becoming a master concrete builder. He carries the concrete mix in from the trailer, 80 bags of it at 80 lbs. each, you can see here he needed a few breaks and he found the bags of concrete to be a nice bed for those breaks.
Once all the bags were in, he would mix it and he is not afraid to get his head right in there to make sure it is mixed perfectly.
The he fills up his bucket and carries it again to where it needs to be dumped. He says it is just as heavy when mixed.
So, yes, Andy and Rex have been doing alot of concrete work on the master stair area. You saw in the last blog that they were building the form work in preparation for the concrete pours and here are some more pics of that with the pours in place.
a new stair instead of wobbly cinder blocks.
Filling in the corner space making it a platform that will be flush with the stairs. Andy is thinking this will be a good place for a knight in a suit of Armour.
filling in a space to the right of the stairs with a nice curved detailed
looking down at the stairs and all the work going on
New stairs leading into the great room instead of wobbly cinder blocks.
Also note, for some reason Ed did not bring stairs all the way to the wall on the right, so we extended them over.
Jerry, the plumber continues to lay his roadwork of tubes. He says he has about three weeks before he is finished with the 4th floor and then he moves onto the next one. He too is doing an awesome job.
Brian and Mark continue to do framework. Above is on the 4th floor under the windows.
Here is framework covering the plumbing going from the great room into the kitchen.
This is above the main staircase, behind this framework is the library powder room in the turret.
I spent most of my time picking glue and paper off of the stain glass windows that our friends made. Above is the picking, below is the finished product. I got 5 windows done and 3 set three of them with their exterior glass.
Grandpa came for his yearly visit and brought a picnic, he even had something for Tosh.
Grandpa also likes to bring something unique to add to the castle. This visit it was an arrow through the tree.
Ruby came and took alot of pictures
we had some very nice Adirondack fall weather, Happy first day of fall!
and we had some not so nice fall weather. You can't tell, but it was pouring in this picture of me. Yup, I will stand in the rain for my daughter to get a good picture.
Back home Grandpa works on a stained glass window that will go on the front door behind the knocker.
The lions are doing well.