knight lights, knight figures, medevil boxes and salad tossers.

a stack of swords behind a chair, yeah, they are real!

Steins, canteens, bottles

new 12 foot table from restoration hardware delivered today. its a new, old unfinished wood table. the first picture is the pedestals, the tabletop is still in the box.

ah, my mantle I usually decorate for christmas, not this year, Andy has four chairs in front of it with various castle stuff all over them. I hung the stockings over two of them in an attempt to bring a little christmas to the room.

Tosh thinks this little couch is his, but it will soon go into storage for the castle.
So along with the small stuff we still have at the house above, we also had a garage full of furniture for the bedrooms that Andy was collecting all summer/fall at local antique and junk shops. He rented a truck and took them to matteos shop to get refinished in a medevil way. We went this weekend to pick them up and bring them to the storage unit

This is part of the library walls. Matteo is pointing at some of the unfinished pieces and the other one is finished.

Pretty as a picture. This is one of the mirror frames for a bedroom.
Side tables & dressers all finished and ready to go.

This is the kitchen pieces that Andy brought over a few weeks ago to the storage unit.

this is the storage unti full with kitchen and bedroom pieces. Have to rent unit next door to it for the rest of the stuff.

This is the kitchen pieces that Andy brought over a few weeks ago to the storage unit.

this is the storage unti full with kitchen and bedroom pieces. Have to rent unit next door to it for the rest of the stuff.
I know anyone who has been to the castle is struggling with how we are going to get all this stuff up to the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th floors with just a small spral staircase in place, but not to worry, Andy has it under control & we'll let you know when we move it in if you want to see how it is done.
Until next time....