This is Andy's latest design to creation piece. He bought the swords, chest piece , and helmut seperately on his travels. He decided to make a 3D coat of arms with it all, so he cut a wooden shield as the base, found some fabric that he had our wonderfully talented friend Maria sew together in the design shown, and then stuck the various pieces back on it. waalaa! Ruby thinks he should make these for each of the bedrooms now!

This is a real armoured helmut we got at a great antique store in Ithaca (FOUND). There apparently is a local man in this area who makes armoured suits and helmuts and this is one of his pieces. The other pieces on the mantle here were xmas gifts from my parents, very castley.

The black thing in this picture will be a very cool lamp when Andy is through with it. He just found soms small colored light bulbs when we were in NYC a few weeks back that he says will make this light fixture very cool. The fleur de lis is just another nick knack we had picked up, more French that Medevil, but we'll make it work somewhere.

There is another light fixture in the far left of this picture. It has an India flair to it, but with a little tweeking we can get it to castle style. The shield was another find @ FOUND. The candles in the box are a gift from our Dear friend Ms. Bev from her family heirloom storage.

These are 3 - 24 inch wooden chess pieces, we have 3 more too. Found these @ ABC Furniture in NYC. Andy says he will turn these into light fixtures.

Cool wooden castle book ends. These were a steal @ the Ithaca Antique Mall.

These knight figurines were bought on three seperate occassions at three seperate places, but they are almost identical, so cool when you find things like this on different occassions.

Another find @ Ithaca Antique Mall. Some heavy duty, decorative planters. Not sure what we'll do with these, but the price was right!
We are itching to get back to some manual labor at the castle. The big timbers for the great room ceiling are in from California, so we are starting to plan how we'l get those up and in, they are pretty darn big, and heavy, from what I am hearing, should be another interesting day @ the castle when we do that.
Happy March!