We have the stairway from the great room to the 3rd floor landing in and it is AWESOME! Brian and Mark will be working on the railings now, safety first, but it is so cool to have this feature done.

Andy hung this piece in the great Hall stair case.

Andy has been working on alot of light fixtures at home and we were hanging them this weekend and seeing where they looked best.

Most of the fixtures are antiques or brand new from lowes and painted black and rubbed with silver. You'll have to try and figure out which is old and which is new.
Either way, new or old, they are very cool and very castley!
I was lucky enough to get the assignment of cleaning the storeroom. I didn't take a picture before, but Andy said he couldn't find anything. Well, you can now, Mr. Ramsgard. So clean
Andy in the entry bathroom placing the hardware where he wants it for Brain and Mark
the hardware. The loopy thing is for a hand towel and the lock is for the bathroom door.
the speak easy on the front of door, as previously seen on bedroom doors.

Toshie, the guard dog.
Sipping my coffee this morning in great hall and admiring the new stairs and all the other details.
as I continued to sip my offee, my king was putting mirros into mirror frames he had Matteo paint black. Got 2 of these mirrors at swift shop for $25. He's a good shopper, that king of mine.
Light fixture from lowe's painted balck and rubbed silver, without fixtures.

and with the lights. they look like candles.

Tosh guards from many places.

As the guys were woring in great room building stairs, they moved all furniture out of great room, into the library. This is what I saw as I came up second floor in library.

Turret bathroom is coming along.
Andy put in hardware for rest of beds, so Maria could come and hang rst of bed curtains.

bench and shelf before I painted

and after

Somehow, i cut myself and I was surprised by color of blood.and how one cuts self painting??? Guess I am that talented.
Andy hung some wall hangings. This one is in Queen's room
Andy relaxing and figuring what this room needs.
Ruby's room got a new bench

the range hood is in. Andy put it out in driveway at home and then create what we will have as backsplash from out Xanderblue glass block.
Busy weekend with my 30th High School Class Reunion, but we still got alot done at castle. It is coming along and it is so fun being able to stay there, finally.