We saw lots of glimpses of this picture perfect weather in between alot of rain, but that is better than snow, so we'll take it cause as Patti said, "it is going to snow next week" and she is probably not far off.

Andy was working back home all week on a stained glass window for the turret where Edward had a unique castle like window opening. Andy used some of our XanderBlue glass & had a friend help him make the circular cuts on the glass & then he set the glass together.
Once at the castle we had to set up a two story scaffold on the outside of the turret so Andy could set the window into place. here is the scaffolding all put together & Andy bravely standing on it!

and here is the window! The first picture is from the outside with a faint glow of light behind it. The second picture is from the inside. There will be a little powder room and toliet in this area when castle is complete.
Alot of work for a little window, but every detail is important & it is pretty exciting to have one window in!

so, the next project of the weekend was putting back the metal sign Andy found on the property. The sign was found next to the stone structure that use to house the explosives for the quarry. Andy refinished it to make it ledgible, but still kept the oldness to it. He put a wood frame around it and here he is placing it back where he found it. That is Ken, a reporter from The Adirondack Explorer, helping Andy. He came to do an interview with gloves in hand. He worked a good three hours while conducting his interview.

Ruby, a friend, and Tosh helped me continue with brush clean up. Tosh thinks he can drive now!
I took pictures of the piles of brush we moved from one place to another, but they weren't very exciting.

Andy continued to use his new cement cutting saw to work more on making the window openings bigger & he cut some interior holes between the walls that are going to be needed for heating and plumbing. he is getting pretty good at it and now that he has the proper gear to wear, he isn't getting as wet!
It was a quick, wet weekend & we're looking forward to a long weekend over Columbus Day, hopefully full of sunshine and more beautiful leaves. We have the heating and plumbing contractors coming up to install the boiler. Andy said their boiler panel is a piece of art, I will be sure to get a picture of that!