Balcony/walkway around Fungeon /Wine Room under construction 2 weeks ago
and Viola, finis this weekend. Another great photo op place in corner of walkway.
This chair was in Andy's house when he was growing up. His parents gave it to us when we got married and we gave it to our best man when we tired of it, who gave it back to us last year when he was moving. It's reupholstered and castle-ish and back where it was meant to be.
These are the glass panels we made in March with my parents, sister, and our friends the Johnson's and now they are the balcony walkway panels. It is gorgeous in the morning with the sun coming up and signing through while you sit in the compfy red chairs enjoying your coffee.
You might not really be able to tell in this stair picture, but these stairs are now cleaned and sealed, which is very exciting to me as I won't get the dust storm I usually get when I clean them.
Ms. Maria finished the bathroom curtains. Here are the curtains on the slide rods, ready to be installled.
Here is Andy and Mark Johnson, yes, the one of the Johnson family who helped with glass panels, hanging the rod and curtain in the king's room. Mark got a boo-boo, but said, "it's just a small flesh wound".
and Voila, the bathrooms now have a curtain and privacy!
remember those blue insulation windows in the kings room, they are now gone and we have real windows and a beautiful view!
Here's a better view of all three windows.
Hardware is on the back of the front door.
A view of the outside of castle with almost every window in, just one more to go.
Maria came to help with the installation of the bathroom curtains and headed up playing HEADBANZ with ms. sam johnson.
Melinda Johnson is recooperating and taking it easy, so she work hard on the castle puzzle we started on Labor day.
and here's where we are now with the 1000 piece puzzle at the end of two weekends.
Andy and Maria are deep in discussion about how to hang a piece of art work on this wall.
Our friends the Lundborg's came up with their girls, Lily and Ingrid. They are both adorable and very smart. They couldn't get enough of the fruit, so we just put it on the floor and let them at it.
Momma Pam was making her famous one egg cheesy omelet and she's right, they are very tasty.
Maria had a good nights sleep and was putting together a sewing bag for us in case of emergency sewing needs.
Poppa Lundborg, Lieutenant to some in the SPD, was rocking with his coffee and the mocha, salty caramel creamer, he's not too manly to enjoy a nicely flavored coffee

and the adorable Lundborg family.
I re organized the plates and glass cabinet. Trying to make kitchen user friendly for when we have guests there when we are not.
Andy and I cleaned the great Hall stairs in preparation for sealing them the following day. He told me he would be spraying down the stairs with the hose and I would just have to stand at bottom with shop vac. He didn't tell me that when he sprayed the stairs that the water would shoot everywhere and especially, down the stairs onto me. I was drenched and might I say the water was quite cold, this would have been a very funny video.
The great room.The big painting hanging over the balcony is one done by our friend Phil. It is a small section of the Sistine chapel and it is the one that will hang at end of balcony stairs that Maria and Andy were discussing earlier.
Andy made a fake fireplace to see how it will look like as far as spacing.

Hilary was up from Nashville at a wedding in LP with Jessica, my young girlies from my Merry Go Round days. We are still FB friends and we connected and they made it to the castle for a visit, YEAH! Great seeing them and showing them around.
Can't tell from this pic, but it was snowing this morning
Andy sealing the stairs. yes, he is in his Adirondack plaid pj's and yes, this sealer stinks and I had to get out of there after 20 mins.
A great weekend at the castle. Work is getting less and fun and relaxation is getting more.